Kickoff Event Featuring Janie Maedler
Rylie Maedler’s Story of Medical Cannabis Advocacy
For Compassionate Alternative’s kickoff educational event, we were delighted to host Janie Maedler as our featured speaker. Janie made the trip from Delaware where she and her daughter Rylie have been advocates for pediatric medical cannabis access since 2014.
Janie shared the story of Rylie’s struggle as a then 7-year-old with aggressive facial bone tumors. The tumors were causing terrible trauma, eroding the structure of her face, destroying her teeth, and inducing seizures. Determined to help her little girl with a natural therapy — and despite the skepticism of Rylie’s doctors — Janie decided to treat Rylie with a carefully-dosed medical cannabis tincture. The cannabis oil provided unexpected results: rapid facial bone regeneration, dental recovery, reduced pain levels, controlled seizures, and the prevention of any tumor recurrence.
Fully recovered, Rylie embarked on a mission to help fellow pediatric patients in her community. With her mother’s help, Rylie championed the first pediatric cannabis legislation in the history of her state, petitioning the Delaware legislature directly, and making history as a cannabis advocate.
To learn more about Rylie’s incredible story, please visit the Rylie’s Smile Foundation website.