Qualifying Condition Appeal for Autism Spectrum Disorder
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At the end of each year, the State Medical Board seeks petitions of new conditions for which medical marijuana is permitted. The Board will spend months considering the petitions, which involves looking at any research showing efficacy, as well as testimony from experts. Last week the Board met to advance Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to its expert review stage.
The Board also announced they will be accepting public comments till February 29th.
Since 2016 with the passage of HB 523 (2016-131st GA), the Board has approved only four petitions, adding cachexia to the Program in 2020, and Huntington’s disease, Spasticity, and terminal illness in 2021. This is the fifth year the Board has received petitions to add autism to Ohio’s list of qualifying condition—despite Autism being an approved condition for medical marijuana in sixteen states, Puerto Rico, and in eight other states where a physician can recommend using their professional discretion.
Expanding qualifying conditions means expanding patient access to Ohio’s program.
Interested parties can provide comments to the State Medical Board in support of adding ASD to the list of qualifying conditions by emailing: med.compliance@med.ohio.gov